We support our local LGBTQ+-owned and allied businesses any chance we get, especially during this difficult economic time. Highlighted here are vendors who have partnered with us to sell their services/items online.
Ogden Pride is not responsible for any transactions made between you and the vendor. All sales are handled directly by the vendor and any questions should be directed to them.
Pride Gear
Stewie’s Got Pride!
Stewie’s Got Pride sells swag for the LGBTQ+ community and beyond with over 500 items all priced between $1 and $15.
Genderbands is a nonprofit that helps transgender people pay for transition-related costs. We fundraise for this in many ways, including selling items such as t-shirts, wristbands, and pins.
Utah Foster Care
Utah Foster Care is a nationally recognized non-profit organization that finds, trains, and supports Utah families, who are willing and able to provide a nurturing home for children in foster care. www.utahfostercare.org
YCC Family Crisis Center
YCC Family Crisis Center is a non-profit organization incorporated to enhance the safety of women, children, and men by providing crisis intervention and advocacy services to reduce and prevent the occurrence of family violence and sexual assault. http://www.yccogden.org
Business Solutions & Services
The Design Bartender | Graphic Design
The Design Bartender, Sean Childers-Gray is local graphic designer specializing in branding and logo development for small companies. Check him out on his Behance Portfolio