Ogden Pride Announces the 8th Annual Festival Theme

Community means so many things to each of us. This year we felt that a strong united statement about the things we fight for each day, how we strive to be authentic, and how we live daily as LGBTQ+ people was important. Our youth need to know that they belong, and that they are seen. Our transgender and intersex community needs us more than ever, as continued attacks are made at government levels. SEEING someone, means seeing them as their authentic selves.

At our community planning event, we had participants who helped us create this theme, as we listed all the things we see as community, as things we see as LGBTQ+ and Allies on our values that we stand on, and the characteristics with which we lead as people. Our theme is an acronym of some of those things. SEE US. Stands for Safe, Empowered, Emerging, United & Strong.

Our organization, and the community we work to build, has and will continue to be a safe space for all, a place to empower people to live their truth, a place where our youth, and transgender folx can emerge as their authentic selves, and we stand to be united and strong for all.

So join us, Sunday, August 7th, 2022 from 11-7pm at the Ogden Amphitheater as we celebrate our 8th Annual Ogden Pride Festival. Look for more information to come, and check out our website for our Vendor, Volunteer, and Sponsorship sign up forms.

Celebrate a Decade of Diversity with Ogden Pride in: -44 Days 17 Hours 59 Minutes 40 Seconds
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